Sabah is one of 13 member states of Malaysia. It is located on the northern portion of the island of Borneo. It is the second largest state in the country after Sarawak, which it borders on its south-west. It also shares a border with the province of East Kalimantan of Indonesia in the south. In spite of its status as a Malaysian state, Sabah remains a disputed territory; the Philippines has a dormant claim over much of the eastern part of the territory. The capital of Sabah is Kota Kinabalu, formerly known as Jesselton. Sabah is known as "Sabah, negeri di bawah bayu", which means "Sabah, the land below the wind", because of its location just south of the typhoon-prone region around the Philippines.

Saturday 2 May 2015

History Of Tamparuli Town & Attraction

Tamparuli is a small town and a sub-district of Tuaran on the west coast ofSabah,Malaysia. It is populated mainly by native Dusuns, while a sizeable Chinese community runs most of the shops in the town proper. As with many other small towns inSabah and indeed Malaysia as a whole, the town itself consists of both newer concrete shoplots as well as old wooden ones, which are particularly prone to destruction by fire as evidenced in the destruction of one of the wooden shoplots in recent years.
This place already exist more than 200 years ago, but Tamparuli name is not exist yet untill the late 1940s whereby it was being use by the Japanese army to park their lorry or truck in their way to attack Kota Belud and Ranau and to meet their other group or army in Sandakan. The local who live around Tamparuli gave Tamparuli name base on the words ” Tempat Lori ” that being use by the Japanese army. ” other folks story and comedy told that a son with his mother was being quarrellings for some time because of her son wanted to buy an ice cream but his mother did not have enough money to buy an Ice cream. The mother feel fade up with his son behavior and trying to slap him but her hand hit the Japanese lorry. This so call story being translated to Lotud and ” Slap a Lorry” translate to their language sound like this ” Tampar ruli ” wihen this words combined together become “Tamparuli” and this the story that create Tamparuli name. ( This is a joke but below is the real story about Tamparuli Town.
The tribe that originally live in Tamparuli area is the so call Dusun Lotud. The Lotud people live from Kg Tambalugu, Panjut, Lakang, Telibong, Tomui, Sungai Damit, Bantayan and Kg Nohirot in present time. During that this village is not exist yet but they just call the Village of the Pangait or ” The Head Hunters”. Many of this “Head Hunter” have survive and their generation is still continuing these habit but not inside Tuaran district. Usually they will find others village to get a head to be display at their house.
I already live in Tamparuli for the past 32 Years and I still gathering all document and other sources to create a book of history refer to Tamparuli origin and history. If we can go to National Museum of London I think that we can at least get information for Tamparuli in 200 years back. Recently I got new info about Tamapruli Town in the late 1950s. Someone from the web had send me a picture of ” Jambatan Tamparuli ” in 1960s during the big flood. These picture showing that a Policeman in British Uniform is inspecting the Suspension bridge during the flood. The story about the suspension bridge of Tamparuli are not being told by this guy, He just send me an e-mail that he is in the British Army Engineer who being given a task to develop and built Kota Belud Camp Paradise. They use to bypassed Tamparuli town to deliver their material to Kota Belud. If your visit Tamparuli town you will find a memorial plaque at Tamparuli town beside the “Pasar Tamapruli” whereby it comomerate the lost of two British Army lives in trying to save a women from Kota Belud. Please Visit Tamparuli to get more information.
 The stories about the British Engineer to build the suspension bridge was a good story and become a legend for me. This story is being told again and again by my mother, grandmother and other elders living in my  village Kg Kionsom Baru the nearest village to Tamparuli Town. This story told about a young women that being captured by the “Head Hunter” and hand over to the British to be scarified for the “Tambuakar” living inside Tuaran River. The British already try many time to built the bridge but it was wash away by the river again and again. So they scarified this beautiful women for the ” Tambuakar ” to clam down the devil will. My grandmother said that  this beautiful lady being crush by concrete, she keep on crying again and again and swear that a white man must also be scarified to calm her down. If you swim under the bridge you will find a plaque mention the name of “ Solungkoi ” who being sacrificed for the good of the bridge. The exact location will be keep in secret but many Tamparuli citizen knows about it.

This History is not ends yet because I will continue it soon after I got more story to be publish in this story.

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Friday 1 May 2015

Kota Kinabalu City Mosque

Kota Kinabalu City Mosque was completed in 1997 and officially opened to the public on the 18th of February, 2000, in conjunction with the month of the proclamation of Kota Kinabalu City (2nd February 2000). The second main mosque in Kota Kinabalu (the first being Sabah State Mosque), it is about 10 – 15 minutes drive on the coastal highway, on an area of sea water facing west towards the holy city of Mecca and the South China Sea.

Occupying 14.83 hectares of land, this impressive mosque is said to have similar features with Nabawi Mosque in Medina Al-Munawarah. There is a big blue dome and four tall minarets capped with blue cupolas on the roof.  Almost 70% of the area is filled with water, giving the impression of it floating on water. And that water is currently a seawater fish farm.  Graced by the sea breeze, it is one of the most visited places in Kota Kinabalu.

Kota Kinabalu City Mosque or Masjid Bandaraya is the biggest mosque in Kota Kinabalu and can accommodate up to 12,000 worshippers. It is opened to visitors daily from 8am to 5pm.  But on Fridays visitors are only allowed in the mosque compound and prohibited from entering the building.  No admission fee is charged but proper dressing etiquette must be observed.

It is easily accessible by cab, bus (you could ride on the Kampung Likas bus from the Wawasan Plaza Terminal) and if you are daring enough to rent a car, just drive along Teluk Likas and you won’t missed the impressive sight.

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